ConvertXtoDVD | 5.0/5 |
190 avaliações |
Worked first time!
Coco Jeffrey
06 June 2022
Perth, Australia
This is a great converter. Highly recommend to anyone who has a use for this software.
10 February 2022
Perth, Australia
Really good program, would suggest this to someone that's new to putting stuff on DVD
Joshua Kear
03 October 2021
Newnham on severn, United kingdom
I have used this program way back when it was convertx4 and now I have convertx7 and it does it job. I will always be forever greatful for this software.
Henry Laster
02 June 2020
Jacksonville, United states
For some reason I tried using different software this year for my annual video compilation of the year's events. It was unsuccessful. Then I remembered having used ConvertXtoDVD the past two years and tried again. Within no time I had my dvd. Just so easy. Thank you!!
04 January 2020
I have been using this product for 5+ years, I would not us any other product to burn a video file to DVD. Outstanding!
11 October 2019
Comprehensive, logical UI. Takes a little time but the end result is perfect.
04 December 2018
excellent, easily. I highly recommend it
20 August 2018
Very intuitive, fast, and GREAT quality results. Cool GUI. Convert from any container to standard VOB layout with great menus, if you need em'. Top notch burn engine.
Michael Arthur
15 July 2018
Very good software and user friendly
14 June 2018
The only software that works with any player
Bruce T
18 April 2018
Fantastic product.. Digital conversion in DVD.. works better if u have a 5.1 track video file with subs..two thumbs up..!
19 March 2018
Best converter I have had. Results are excellent. Wish I got it sooner.
25 February 2018